Start Investing Today

You are reading this short course because you might have heard about investing, but you don’t know where to start. Don’t worry. I was once like you. This is first part in a series of articles about the basics of investing. And it is my hope that after you completed the course, you will walk away confident…

Part II Invest

In Part I, I talked about the need to start saving money and investing early. Because the value of money grows not only with earnings (compounding interest) but also with respect with time, we found out that there is cost in waiting. The longer that you delay saving and having it invested, the lower your chances…

Invest IPO

Why do companies decide to join Philippine Stocks Exchange? What are the benefits of the company going public? And how can retail investors invest in companies whose shares are traded on the exchange for the very first time? This beginner’s guide to IPO investing is going to talk about initial public offering or IPO. What…

SSS Flexi Fund

Do you know that Social Security System has a special savings program exclusive to Filipinos working abroad? It’s called SSS Flexi-Fund, and it’s an investment option for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who would want to invest in a transparent, high-yielding savings offered by SSS. This article is going to discuss the benefits, eligibility, and how you can actually start…

FMETF First Metro Philippine Equity ETF

Don’t you know that there’s a stock that holds stocks of other companies? It’s called FMETF or First Metro Philippine Equity Exchange Equity Traded Fund, and it’s the only exchange traded fund in the Philippines. This article discusses an actual ETF that you can start investing to earn passive income. If this is your first time learning about it, please consider reading…

Benefits Investing Managed Fund 2

Investing a managed fund is one way to earn passive income. As already discussed, there are different companies that offer them: mutual funds, unit investment trust fund (UITF), exchange traded fund, Personal Equity and Retirement Account, and variable universal life (VUL) policy by the insurance companies. And there are different categories that are differentiated by the type of assets that they own: index fund, equities fund, balanced fund, bond funds, and money market…

Investing In Managed Fund Mutual Fund UITF Vul

A managed fund, also called investment fund, is a pool of money from willing individual and institutional investors. It is for this reason that it is sometimes called pooled funds. It uses the money that it collected to buy and sell stocks, bonds, money market securities, and other investment assets on their behalf. Before I even talk further about managed funds, I think it is…

What Is The Best Index Fund In The Philippines

So I’ve talked about investing in index funds could be a better option when done long-term. Such claim is based on two things: expert recommendation and return over long term. Advice from experts like the highly successful stock investor Warren Buffett and the historical performance of foreign and local indices appear to provide more support to such…

Which Is Better Investing In Mutual Fund UITF Or Stocks

If you have P10,000 right now that you’re ready to invest, where would you place it? Buy direct stocks or put it in UITF, mutual fund, PERA account, or exchange traded fund like the First Metro Philippine Equity Exchange Traded Fund? In this article, I’m going to discuss the difference between buying stocks directly from the market or joining in one of the managed investment…

Part III Things Investing

One of my many mistakes when I was starting was to disregard some of the important things about investing, such as tying it with a personal goal, knowings its and returns. In this article, I am going to write about what makes your investment meaningful, what are the uncertainties that you face and the potential earnings that you…